Eat your heart out Johnny Rocket!

Here comes a new talk show that will have GWF fans on the edge of their seats! “The View” with Wiggy will be controversial as wild talk show host Wiggy looks to be starting trouble in her interviews with GWF stars!

Wiggy sits on an ornate couch with fancy pillows and her guest (which she sometimes calls “commoners”) sit on cheap folding chairs! She usually sides with the heels and her show is a sure way to stir up trouble!

“The View” with Wiggy is coming with the incredible BLACK DEATH 6-Pack! It’ll add much-needed cards to your fed like a talk show card, commissioner card, Lord Nexus manager card, and two new female stars, to say nothing of some light-hearted comic relief courtesy of Plethador!

The BLACK DEATH 6-Pack will tide you over until July, 2014 when the wildly unpredictable 2130 game edition comes out! Order NOW!