CONDUIT was just beginning his CWF career when he was called back to the military to participate in the mission to locate the Ravagers.    Now he’s back and ready to resume his career in the CWF.  CONDUIT is a highly skilled fighter who specializes in teamwork.  He’s part of a tag team that’s sure to shake up the rankings in 2116.

Who is his partner and what are their goals?  Find out when FUTURE SHOCK:  Centra Wrestling Federation 2116 ships at the end of March.

FUTURE SHOCK:  Centra Wrestling Federation 2116 includes PRINCE OF THE ROSE, GENERAL AEGIS, WARFARE, MURDOK, PAGANAX, OPPRESSOR and CONDUIT.  Preorders are now available for Future Shock: Centra Wrestling Federation 2116, Legends Ladies Expansion II and Best of Mexico Indies set!  To preorder now, CLICK HERE.

Also, Promoter Prime for 2020 is now available to preorder. Q1 2020 for COTG Prime features 3 bonus Centra cards to use in your CWF.  To preorder any Promoter prime product, CLICK HERE.