What: Promoter Madness returns!
Who: This time YOU the fans earn a shot at creating an official Filsinger Games character for the FTR! FOUR lucky promoters will be crowned contest winners!
When: Put your thinking caps on! All submissions due midnight Friday, October 13th, 2017! One submission per promoter, please!
Where: Send your submission to Todd Joerchel via email at todd@filsingergames.com Get creative! Pair up with a friend to create a tag team! Or even a stable! It’s up to you, promoter!
Why?: Remember, this project is designed to shape the future of wrestling, and current undercard talent otherwise known as FTR. Please use famous characters (even if they didn’t win much!) like Mutant, Creeper, Vanity, Plethador, Ghengis Khan, Man-Mountain and other lovable losers with winning personalities as barometers for your creations. The idea is to create a fun little developmental fed that doubles as enhancement talent for the main roster.
OK, go!
– ALL entries due by Midnight Friday October 13th.
– ALL entries must please include a short bio, art description for your character, and card stats. Entries including only primary stats will also be accepted. Please include height, weight, chart ratings, finisher, PIN, signature moves, and any other stats we should know about your character. If your character is chosen as a winner, we will help you officially fill in the rest!
– One entry per promoter, please.
– Filsinger Games assumes the right to edit characters as need be to best fit into the overall landscape of the set.
– Tom Filsinger will study each entry, then announce the winners one week from the entry deadline.
– Winners will enjoy working directly with Filsinger Games throughout the process, approving their art and stats in each phase.