Today’s Stars and Tomorrow’s Legends!
Our Indie Wrestling sets bring together wrestlers from independent promotions all across the world. With sets from Ring of Honor, Evolve, Shimmer, CZW, and more, our Indie wrestling sets represent our most extensive roster of wrestlers.
You’ll find some of the most recognizable names in wrestling today in our indie sets, and be able to glimpse into the future of pro wrestling with some of the up-and-coming stars of independent wrestling. It’s an exciting time for pro wrestling, and you can be right at the cutting edge of it with our Indie wrestling sets.
The Latest Indie News

Mims Powers His Way into Best Of The Indies 2025!
A nationally known and powerful wrestling champion will be joining Filsinger Games’ promoters Indies feds this spring as Mims is ...

Sidney Akeem is Acrobatics Personified!
Acrobat turned championship-winning wrestler, Sidney Akeem is the next name to be announced in Filsinger Games Best of The Indies ...

GALACTICON Comes to Baltimore This Summer!
Filsinger Games Promoters are being encouraged to save the date, and plan for a weekend of fun, friends, information, and, ...

An Emmy and Golden Globe Winner Headlines Spring Indies Pro Prime!
In a first for Filsinger Games, an Emmy and Golden Globe Award winner will be receiving a Filsinger Games card, ...