Please welcome talented artist Nate Watson to the Filsinger Games team!

Tom met Nate quite by accident (or it was meant to be, take your pick) at a bookstore in Prescott, Arizona. Soon after Tom and Nate began working together, first on an update of the Natives for Myth Worlds I (Champions of the Galaxy series) and now Nate is drawing card art for the new Early Classics expansion which is due later this month.

Nate is a freelance illustrator and an artist of diverse talents, so the upcoming Early Classics edition is one to look forward to!

Nate is as pleased as we are to be working together. He said: “Thanks for bringing me to the Filsinger Games family. I’m thankful and happy to be working with you guys!”

And so Filsinger Games marches onward! Nate joins another recent addition to our staff, Tom Rickert, who provides backgrounds and colors to many COTG cards in addition to also creating card art.

It’s great to have you on board, Nate!