Preorders are now available for Filsinger Games Spring product releases! COTG SUDDEN DEATH 2094 colorized, BEST OF THE INDIES 2025 and 2025 Promoter Prime ordering options are available now in the Filsinger Games Store New Releases.
Ms. Liberty Dazzles Her Way Into Sudden Death 2094!
Ms. Liberty has never looked better! The new colored version of Ms. Liberty will turn some heads as she dazzles her way into our upcoming newly colored SUDDEN DEATH 2094 game release!
Formerly known as Sweet Thing and a valet for Vanity, she changed her name to Ms. Liberty in 2094, and changed her image to match. No one is arguing.
The upcoming SUDDEN DEATH 2094 expansion will bring a dramatic new way to look at this classic game edition and continues our long-term goal of bringing color to ALL our black and white game expansions for Champions of the Galaxy! We still have a way to go, but getting there will be fun!
Go 2 Sleep Inventor Headlines Best Of The Indies 2025
One of the top Japanese Indies junior heavyweights of all time and the inventor of the Go 2 Sleep is coming to Filsinger Games Indies promoters’ feds this spring, as KENTA headlines Best of the Indies 2025!
KENTA, a 43-year-old, got his start wrestling in his native Japan 24 years ago upon the completion of his training. His career has taken him to the most respected Indies promotions in Japan as well as the United States where he has used his strike-based offense to punch, kick, and knee his way to multiple titles! Kenta has also spent time wrestling in the developmental and cruiserweight promotions of the largest wrestling organization in the world, before settling into his current places, splitting time between two of the most reputable Indies promotions in both Japan and the United States.
During his time in professional wrestling, KENTA has has shared the ring with some of the best Indies wrestlers on the planet, a verifiable Who’s Who in the sport including greats, such as Kenny Omega, John Moxley, Lance Hoyt, Chris Bey, Ace Austin, and Ricky Starks, just to name a few. Wherever he has gone, KENTA has secured a spot at the top of the card, even as part of one of the most elite factions in Indies wrestling today, winning singles gold both in the heavyweight and junior heavyweight divisions.
KENTA joins seven other Indies greats in Filsinger Games Best of the Indies 2025, including Jet Knight, Amazing Red and AJ Francis, with more to be announced in March. Also Indies Promoter Prime options will be available, with preview announcements ahead as well.
Promoter Prime is back in 2025 with 12 cards per game line which includes 3 cards
delivered 4 times per year. Promoters can purchase Legends, Indies, Champions of the
Galaxy or a bundle of all 3 for tabletop, online or both. Promoter Prime is available to
order at the Filsinger Games Store Promoter Prime section (click here!)
Legends Prime is back for 2025, and we are kicking it off with a BIG name. Ray Traylor was one of the top competitors in the sport from the mid-1980s to the early 2000s. Traylor was a self-made competitor, starting as an enhancement talent before eventually main eventing big shows for some of the most successful promotions in the world.
Traylor famously served as a bodyguard for Jim Cornette and the Midnight Express. He would go on to wrestle a “who’s who” of names like Tully Blanchard, Ivan Koloff, Wahoo McDaniel, Ted DiBiase, the One Man Gang and Steve Williams. Filsinger Games is proud to honor the career of a man whom we lost way too soon. Legends Prime will feature Ray Traylor along with two other cards in Cycle 1.
COTG Prime will feature Moog, Sentinel and an additional character to supplement the GWF MYTH WORLDS set.
Indies Prime will feature three all-new cards, with announcements to come in March.
Filsinger Games Store New Releases
Filsinger Games Store Promoter Prime