He was hiding behind a mask scouting the Gladiators, but in 2094 he finally revealed his true identity and true purpose. Who was this mysterious man who dared to scout the Aethrans themselves?

It turns out in SUDDEN DEATH 2094 that it is none other than Destruction 3000! And he would set a precedent in the GWF for being the most incredible wrestler of all time!

Except there was a catch. Destruction 3000 was so incredible that he had to wrestle under unique restrictions. Find out the whole story in SUDDEN DEATH 2094!

Destructon 3000 arrives on the scene to manage the awesome tag team of Mace and Dreggs. Is this a threat that even the Gladiators can’t handle?

It’s all coming at you in SUDDEN DEATH 2094, which is the latest Champions of the Galaxy classic game to get the color treatment! SUDDEN DEATH 2094 and all our Spring game releases are available for pre-order. They will begin shipping at the beginning of April. To pre-order go to:

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