Hey gang, here’s a blast from the past!
A Star Warrior star blast!
Remember Star Warrior’s Sales Force from eons ago? I don’t remember when it first came out either but it was the early days when we were trying to spread COTG madness to the world!
Game fans got prizes or something, I can’t remember, for getting newcomers hooked on Champions of the Galaxy.
Well, I’m not sure I can offer any prizes this time around but Star Warrior is back! Star Warrior, along with Santa Wolf, are urging me to urge our loyal and amazing game fans to help us promote Champions of the Galaxy this holiday season!
The best way is with the new commemorative Starter Set. If you know any wrestling fans, comic book fans, gaming fans, and even young people that like cool games and cool game art and cards, then please consider giving the gift of BEST OF CHAMPIONS OF THE GALAXY this holiday season.
It’s the best way to introduce the game to newcomers because not only is it a greatest hits, but the handbook also includes all kinds of cool game history (thank you Sam Luptak!) so that newcomers will understand who we are and where we are coming from (even if it seems to be from everywhere!).
Hey and here’s something to also share with others—a new promotional video for the Best of COTG starter set! I think it turned out great (thanks to the producer Sam, not Commander Sam but Videographer Sam!). Share the video with friends and family and you will truly be an LLP (Lovable Loyal Promoter).
So please do me a favor and help us spread COTG madness for a very reasonable price (only $19) and keep Star Warrior off my back, he keeps hounding me!
Star Warrior’s Sales Force is back in action! Thank you to loyal promoters for spreading the awesome fun of COTG to others!
Until the Basilisk joins the Sales Force…