Brittnie Brooks, the self-proclaimed “Center of Attention”,  will follow Chris Bey as the second name announced in the upcoming Filsinger Games 2024 Indies Future Stars of Wrestling (FSW) set!

Despite being only 20 years of age, Brittnie has already enjoyed high levels of success in her three-year career and has all the signs of a rising star. She began wrestling in her hometown of Phoenix, completing her training with a local Indies promotion and ultimately working her way up to winning the women’s title in that same promotion that she first began wrestling.  Brooks has won gold on two separate occasions, most recently becoming the woman’s champion in a Chicago area indies promotion, a title she defended more than 225 days. She has clearly made an impact already at a National level, having wrestled for Indies promotions Beyond Wrestling and Championship Wrestling from Hollywood as well.

Brittnie has attained this early success by displaying almost limitless energy, flying around the ring and being willing to take risks that can result in devastating damage being dealt. Additionally Brooks has a ring savvy that beguiles both her youth and relative inexperience within the ring to incorporate craftiness to go with her athletic abilities.

You can be sure that Brittnie is constantly smiling amid some cascading golden locks and is likely to be attired in a variety of bright pink athletic gear. Seeming to have the whole package, the sky is the limit for Brittnie who has a bright future ahead of her!

Brittnie Brooks will be included in the newest FSW Indie set, which will be available in September for pre-order, along with the Champions of The Galaxy: Early Classics & Legends of Wrestling Cauliflower Alley Club releases

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