One of the most innovative and longest tenured high-flying, death-defying, professional wrestlers of this millennium, is coming to Filsinger Games Independent Wrestling Card and Dice Game, with the announcement of Amazing Red as the next name in this spring’s Best of the Indies 2025!
Red is a 27-year ring vet that began his career in the late 1990s after completing his training with Filsinger Games Legend Mikey Whipwreck. From there, Red has displayed incredible aerial moves that he uses to devastate his opponents while also making history in some of the most prominent Indies promotions in the world.
Amazing Red, also known as “The Underground King,” has wrestled professional matches in four different decades, is an Independent Pro Wrestling Hall of Famer, and has paved the way for today’s cruiserweights with his innovative and inspiring style. During his career, Amazing Red has wrestled in the junior heavyweight division of a nationally televised Indies promotion, winning gold in that division multiple times. He also made history wrestling in the first ever Ring of Honor singles match against Jay Briscoe. With his longevity, has also come with multiple Indies gold for Amazing Red. Red has shown his diversity winning singles and tag team gold in multiple Indies promotions. Some of his most recognized reigns as a tag team champion have occurred with Jerry Lynn, and a reign as Ring of Honor tag team champions with the legendary AJ Styles!
Amazing Red will join seven other of the best Indies wrestlers today with the spring Filsinger Games release of Best of the Indies 2025. This set will be available for preorder next FRIDAY, along with Champions of The Galaxy: Sudden Death 2094 Updated, and will ship in early spring!