Speed, fluidity, and aerial mastery that are breath-takingly logic defying are all coming soon to your Indies promotion, with the announcement of the internationally known Jet Knight, as the next name in Filsinger Games BEST OF THE INDIES 2025 set!

Knight is a 28-year-old, former collegiate track and field star who got his start in the world of professional wrestling five years ago, after completing his training in the Western United States. During his relatively short career, Knight has quickly ascended the ranks of Indies wrestling. He has wrestled for some of the most prominent Indies promotions in the world, including one of the most reputable promotions in Mexico, and recently won a junior heavyweight tag team title in the biggest Indies promotion in Japan. Knight, also known simply as “The Jet,” has appeared on national television in the United States, wrestling for multiple nationwide Indies promotions.

Often entering the ring in an orange jumpsuit and futuristic silver wrap-around sunglasses, Knight is a fan favorite whose aerial exploits defy gravity and delight the crowds. His vertical leaping ability doesn’t just appear impressive, it was the highest ever measured by the biggest Indies promotion in Japan. Jet Knight has wrestled in a faction with Alex Kane, having particularly memorable tag team matches against Catch-22, the tag team of TJ Perkins and Francisco Akira.

“The Jet,” along with seven more of the top Indies stars today, will be able to join your Indies promotion soon!

Preorders for the Filsinger Games Spring 2025 releases including: Champions of the Galaxy: SUDDEN DEATH 2094 REIMAGINED, BEST OF THE INDIES 2025 and PROMOTER PRIME 2025 Kickoff will be available Next Friday 3/7, and will ship in early spring!