The seer is here!  ORACLE is coming to the CWF. The citizens of Centra ignore his predictions at their own peril.  ORACLE may be the most controversial member of the CWF roster.  He leads a group of followers that will command your attention.  Who are they?  How did ORACLE get there?  Why has he called

By |2019-04-29T19:25:07-04:00April 29th, 2019|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on ORACLE CAN SEE WHAT IS COMING IN 2115- CAN YOU?

The Most Shocking CWF Revelation Yet

This really is a different Centra than we knew before. SABOTEUR is coming this spring. Why has he joined the CWF? What is his agenda? Things are never what they seem when Saboteur is around. He is patient and willing to take a beating while getting his opponent just where he wants him. Wait until

By |2019-04-25T16:27:06-04:00April 25th, 2019|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on The Most Shocking CWF Revelation Yet

Mister Centra Aims to Be the Top Star in Centra

Mister Centra comes to the CWF by way of Dimension X.  Why is he here?  More importantly, why does he call himself Mister Centra? Mister Centra has incredible speed and quickness mixed with exceptional technical ability.  He might be the most talented competitor in the CWF- and he knows it.  He covets titles above everything

By |2019-04-22T18:30:08-04:00April 22nd, 2019|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Mister Centra Aims to Be the Top Star in Centra

Centra Wrestling Federation Founder Lance At-Las Leads Off the new FUTURE SHOCK Game Edition!

The Future Shock group may have made it to Dimension Y, but they didn’t find everything to be as they expected. This is NOT the same timeline that they left. What major differences are there in this timeline? What familiar faces will be on Centra in 2115? Lance At-Las is the founder and commissioner of

By |2019-04-17T16:00:56-04:00April 17th, 2019|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Centra Wrestling Federation Founder Lance At-Las Leads Off the new FUTURE SHOCK Game Edition!

Get Ready to be Shocked by the Newest Chapter in Champions of the Galaxy Lore!

Whatever happened after Magnus Colby and the Future Shock wrestlers were banished from our timeline by the UFSP at Sly Drury’s behest?  In the Epilogue of REGIME CHANGE 2132 it appeared that their ship made it to the Centra system but was hit by a missile.  What happened to the Future Shock wrestlers after the

By |2019-04-15T19:00:56-04:00April 15th, 2019|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Get Ready to be Shocked by the Newest Chapter in Champions of the Galaxy Lore!


Fans asked for new FTR fighters, and Filsinger Games delivers them to you via Promoter Prime! Chameleon is an opportunistic Aniwoman who prides herself on blending in easily with any partner and team. Will she join Mayham and King Tux or go her own way? It’s up to you, promoter! Chameleon is not big, strong

By |2019-03-11T19:00:14-04:00March 11th, 2019|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on THE COLOFUL CHAMELEON BLENDS INTO FTR!

Sudden Death returning in 2135!

The king has spoken! Godsend has declared SUDDEN DEATH is coming  back to the GWF in 2135! But what will be the "rules according to Godsend?" Meanwhile Nightmare and Maramus are leading a revolution against the Kingdom of Castilex. Who will they add to their team of insurgents in 2135? Can they be successful against

By |2020-07-23T13:56:28-04:00March 3rd, 2019|Champions of the Galaxy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Sudden Death returning in 2135!

It’s Official! The Fabulous Team of Tom and Darryl Will Bring 2135 This Summer!

You've been warned! Your favorite creative team (at least we HOPE it's your favorite creative team) will be back in action to bring you KINGDOM COME 2135 in July! We're not positive it'll be called KINGDOM COME, but you get the idea. Tom and Darryl have worked together for so long now on CHAMPIONS OF

By |2019-01-28T22:43:06-04:00January 28th, 2019|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on It’s Official! The Fabulous Team of Tom and Darryl Will Bring 2135 This Summer!

Brothers In Arms Called to Kronos From the 3000 Era!

Meet the latest and greatest Kronos faction - Brothers In Arms! How did this incredible partnership between Milky Way Galaxy and Swarm come to pass? Learn the secret story of SWARM traveling to the future to wrestle in the 3000 era! Who helped him get there? Swarm continues his legendary career on Kronos, bringing the

By |2020-07-23T13:54:41-04:00December 10th, 2018|Champions of the Galaxy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Brothers In Arms Called to Kronos From the 3000 Era!

Dark Menace Has Some New Tricks Up His Sleeve in 2134!

The Dark Menace is up to his old tricks. Or are they new ones? The upcoming KINGDOM COME 2134: UPRISING 4-pack will include new cards for MARAMUS and NIGHTMARE and now add the nefarious DARK MENACE to the list! His work on genetic engineering is still going strong and now that he's the manager of

By |2018-12-03T19:00:43-04:00December 3rd, 2018|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Dark Menace Has Some New Tricks Up His Sleeve in 2134!

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