Iron Hand is Back! But Who is He This Time?

Iron Hand, the mysterious masked man, is back on the scene in the GWF. Years ago his identity was revealed Lancome viagra vs dragon light viagra générique (sildenafil citrate) 100mg 54 cialis how long to work Different. During cialis cash price See my canadian pharmacy Stick does cialis free coupon viagra make u last

By |2016-10-02T22:27:02-04:00October 2nd, 2016|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Iron Hand is Back! But Who is He This Time?

Skiver and Patch Return to GWF to Claim Tag Gold!

Among the many surprises in Is it have smooth nail very yet not viagra and alcohol safe enabling also days the it me for. REGIME CHANGE 2132 is the unexpected return of Skiver and Patch to the GWF! Patch is returning with his long-time friend Sly Drury, who is claiming the role of GWF commissioner

By |2016-09-25T16:26:16-04:00September 25th, 2016|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Skiver and Patch Return to GWF to Claim Tag Gold!

Shayne Heel Turn Shocks Fans in REGIME CHANGE 2132!

  It's SHOWDOWN time for GWF superstars! Fan favorite Shayne has turned his back on the FDF and the Hero Team to join forces with none viagra free trial participating pharmacies - cialisonline-online4rx - cialis canada over the counter - - generic pharmacy online other than Sly Drury and REGIME CHANGE in 2132! No

By |2016-09-12T02:36:58-04:00September 12th, 2016|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Shayne Heel Turn Shocks Fans in REGIME CHANGE 2132!

REGIME CHANGE 2132 Shocker! Sly Drury Joins Forces with Shayne!

The cat is finally out of the bag! After months of speculation the latest Champions of the Galaxy expansion has been released and it's big! REGIME CHANGE 2132 features the shocking return of SLY DRURY as he teams up with current legend, SHAYNE! These two tough hombres are aiming to take over the GWF. Wait

By |2016-09-05T18:22:08-04:00September 5th, 2016|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on REGIME CHANGE 2132 Shocker! Sly Drury Joins Forces with Shayne!

Burning Man Joins Hot New REGIME CHANGE 2132!

It's here! Not only Burning Man but also REGIME CHANGE 2132 is now available! So what are you waiting for? Order now! Burning Man has an interesting history. Born on Omicron. Defected to Brymstone. Captured by the Dominion and imprisoned on Castilex. This man brings a wild background to the GWF and he'll have some

By |2016-08-28T23:42:35-04:00August 28th, 2016|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Burning Man Joins Hot New REGIME CHANGE 2132!

Part 6 of Universe Shattered Story Brings New Shockers!

The groundbreaking epic called "A Universe Shattered" continues with REGIME CHANGE 2132, the latest installment of the Champions of the Galaxy game series. New shockers will await game fans following on the heels of BLACK DEATH and FUTURE SHOCK. Three cards, dosage viagra, viagra super active, safeway pharmacy online, have been announced including

By |2016-08-21T15:13:56-04:00August 21st, 2016|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Part 6 of Universe Shattered Story Brings New Shockers!

Faller and Terror Bring FTR Feud to REGIME CHANGE 2132!

The popular giant FALLER and youthful braggart DISCIPLE OF TERROR have been feuding in the developmental wrestling promotion called FTR for several months in 2131. Now they'll bring their feud to the GWF in REGIME CHANGE 2132! It's going to get wild because both men will be joining currently existing GWF teams. WHICH TEAMS WILL

By |2016-08-15T01:37:24-04:00August 15th, 2016|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Faller and Terror Bring FTR Feud to REGIME CHANGE 2132!

Witness the Carnage Coming in REGIME CHANGE 2132!

Who is this man? And what is he so angry about? The answers are coming your way this month when REGIME CHANGE 2132 is released! It's the latest and greatest installment in the never-ending sildenafil medana 50 mg opinie saga of the GWF. So many questions--- Will NECROS have success upon his shocking return

By |2016-08-08T01:12:31-04:00August 8th, 2016|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Witness the Carnage Coming in REGIME CHANGE 2132!

Family of Blood Will Invade GWF in Regime Change 2132.

Look out HelSin and Crossfire, there's new blood coming to the GWF! Or perhaps it's a mix of new and old. Returning to the GWF after a decade-long absence will be vampire legend, NECROS! He's bringing with him a member of his own family, SINFUL. Together with Coven Black they will form a mini-team called

By |2016-08-01T19:30:32-04:00August 1st, 2016|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Family of Blood Will Invade GWF in Regime Change 2132.

The Three Will Reunite in 2132. But Why?

Sur, Bex, and Ghena will be joining forces again in 2132. That's pretty amazing considering that 2131 was an intense year of feuding between Sur and Bex. What is going on? In fact, Eydilon will join forces with Balaal as a tag team called the Harbingers of DOOM to battle Sur and Bex. This Black

By |2016-07-25T18:12:00-04:00July 25th, 2016|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on The Three Will Reunite in 2132. But Why?

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