Filsinger Games promoters will see their Indies feds become more exciting, as Chris Bey is the first name announced for the upcoming Future Stars of Wrestling (FSW) Filsinger Games Indies set scheduled for a 2024 fall release!

Chris is a very talented Indies star that continues to build his list of success, both as a singles wrestler and as a tag team partner, winning multiple titles in national Indies promotions. Bey mixes a combination of strong technical skills with a high flying offense that decimates his opponents and invigorates crowds. He ignites the excitement when he enters the ring to an entrance of alternative rock riffs, typically sporting attire that includes bright long trunks, sunglasses and a headband covering some of his long braided hair. With a mix of skills, athleticism and charisma, the sky is the limit for this rising star. With so many ways to succeed, which route Bey will go in your Indies fed is up to you promoter!

“The Ultimate Finesser” is a 28-year-old, seven-year ring veteran who began his career moving to Las Vegas specifically to train in FSW with Kenny King.

Chris is currently the FSW Mecca Grand Champion, having held the title twice. Along with his individual success, he is a member of one of the most prominent factions in Indies wrestling today and is a two-time FSW tag team champion; winning most recently as a part of ABC with Ace Austin. ABC has appeared on national television for a large American Indies promotion where they are current tag team champions, titles which they have held three times over.

Bey will join seven other FSW talents in the upcoming Indies release, which will be available soon! The new Indie wrestling set will be accompanied by 2024 fall releases of Champions of The Galaxy Early Classics and Legends of Wrestling CAC, with pre-orders starting in early September!

CLICK HERE to head over to the the Filsinger Games Store so you can get caught up with all of the newly released products from this summer as we get closer to the fall releases with more updates coming soon!