From a dystopian future with an endless war between babes and robots comes the one and only Heidi Howitzer.  Her Thunderdome style look is unique to say the least and the fans love her. Heidi is a true brawler and ready to take the fight to anyone…male, female or otherwise.  She is known for her hard hitting punches and equally hard hitting bad jokes.  Heidi Howitzer is sure to be a fun addition to your indie women’s roster.
Heidi Howitzer joins Velvet Sky, Taylor Wilde, Kenzie Paige, Madi Wrenkowski and Sandra Moone in the 8-card Women of the Indies 2023 set. Legends Expansion XI, Oliver Humperdink SE card, Early Classics 2074-2075 and Women of the Indies 2023 are all available to preorder at the Filsinger Games Store. Preorders will ship by December 15th.