When you think of the top woman wrestlers on the independent scene today the two that come to the top of the list are Princess Kimberlee and Heidi Lovelace. Princess Kimberlee was previously announced for the next Chikara expansion and now we are pleased to announce that her tag partner and singles rival Heidi Lovelace will join her in the set! This is Heidi’s first Chikara card, and she is very deserving being a former Young Lion’s Cup champion and one of the top singles stars in the promotion.
Heidi Lovelace’s story with Kimberlee started during the 2014 Young Lion’s Cup tournament, when Heidi beat Kimberlee in the
semifinals of the tournament. Heidi looked to be on her way to winning the Challenge of the Immortals in 2015, but their team forfeited their points before the finals and Kimberlee’s team wound up winning, getting her the eventual Chikara Grand Championship win. Heidi Lovelace challenged Kimberlee for the championship in March unsuccessfully. In April, Heidi was eliminated from the Infinite Gauntlet by Kimberlee, costing her yet another shot at the gold. On August 21st on the Chikara live special, both women will face off again, with the winner getting her 3rd point and a chance at the Chikara Grand Championship.
Now promoters will be able to relive this huge rivalry between Princess Kimberlee and Heidi Lovelace or team the two up for a shot at the tag championship! Chikara King of Trios game pack will debut at the King of Trios event September 3 in Easton, PA and will begin mailing soon after! Get psyched, it’s gonna rock!