He doesn’t mean to interrupt the pleasant time you are having on the Filsinger games website, but Jervis Cottonbelly would like you to know that he is the first name announced for the Ashes of Chikara pack coming this May. The masked British pugilist has been a part of Chikara for years, but recently has becoming a bigger part of the Chikara universe and a voice against those looking to wipe traces of the promotion from the history books. The World’s Sweetest Man always plays by the rules and expects his opponents to fight by the same standards. However on occasion when pushed to the edge, Jervis has been
known to temporarily snap when the opposition continues to break
the rules, and needs Jervis to teach him a lesson. Game fans can get Jervis Cottonbelly and the Ashes of Chikara pack, along with the Chikara Wrecking Crew pack at Chikara’s return show in Easton, PA on May 25th. Games will begin mailing to everyone
on May 28th.