They’re here!  Not only was General Aegis successful in contacting the Ravagers, but they have arrived on Centra.

But what will they do about the “irregularities” the Centrans have been dealing with?  Why is Rundar interacting with the wrestlers in the CWF?  Is Rundar a true friend or not?  Find out when FUTURE SHOCK:  Centra Wrestling Federation 2116 ships at the end of March.

FUTURE SHOCK:  Centra Wrestling Federation 2116 includes PRINCE OF THE ROSE, GENERAL AEGIS, WARFARE, MURDOK, PAGANAX and RUNDAR.  Preorders are now available for Future Shock: Centra Wrestling Federation 2116, Legends Ladies Expansion II and Best of Mexico Indies set!  To preorder now, CLICK HERE.

Also, Promoter Prime for 2020 is now available to preorder. Q1 2020 for COTG Prime features 3 bonus Centra cards to use in your CWF.  To preorder any Promoter prime product, CLICK HERE.

Preorders for all game editions will begin mailing by March 31st!