Adorned in European football scarves, classic short trunks, knee pads, boots and called out by hard rock riffs: James Drake and Zack Gibson, The Grizzled Young Veterans are the fifth and sixth names in the Filsinger Games Indies Wrestling Best of The Indies Tag Teams 2024 set!




Drake and Gibson first began teaming together in English Indies promotions in 2013 and quickly made waves winning multiple tag team titles wrestling throughout England. In fact, during their time wrestling for the most prominent English Indies promotion, they became record tying three-time tag team champions.


The duo is a throwback to a bygone era of tag team wrestling, utilizing physical brawling double teams to rough up their hapless opponents in a dominating fashion. Gibson and Drake also spent time in the European and American developmental federations of the largest wrestling company in the world, winning tag team gold on one occasion during their time in that promotion. After leaving the promotion in 2023, the duo spent time appearing on national television for other promotions in North America. This team clearly has a bright future as they look to move up the rankings of tag team wrestling within the Indies!


The Grizzled Young Veterans join SAnitY and The SWAT Team in the Best of The Indies Tag Teams 2024 set. Pre-orders for all our summer releases will start this Friday, June 7th! The new games will have a special pre-release at GalactiCon 35 in Jamestown, NY on June 28-30 and will begin mailing in July to all customers.

If you are attending the GalactiCon event in person and would like to pre-order your sets, enter the coupon code GALACTICON at checkout to avoid shipping fees. Please only use this code if you will be picking up your games in Jamestown during the June 28-30 event.

In person tickets can be purchased (HERE)