Three new faces enter the Tournament of the Immortals, called to Kronos from the WGX in Dimension X – JUPITER, HONOS, and CUPID! They are sons of GWF legend Janus, and arrive on Kronos bristling with accolades. Together they are known as the Overmen – the greatest trios group in the WGX, and the only unit to hold the three man tag team titles in all three vectors!
Honos is the wildest and most unruly of the Janus boys. He is also the second youngest son, and sole protector of Uranus, always looking out for his only little brother. Honos sends a warning to everybody – “Anybody who messes with Uranus answers to Honos! Never forget it!”
Get subscribed to COTG Promoter Prime today before Honos comes to your house and makes you!