Coming up this quarter in COTG Prime is the next update to FTR, the GWF’s developmental territory.  FTR will be featured in each of the 3 remaining quarterly releases of COTG Prime 2022.  There will be fan interaction throughout the year that will have an impact on the FTR storylines, including matches at virtual Filsinger Games events and a new Create a Character contest coming later this year.  Each of the 3 updates this year will come with 3 game cards, which may include updates, familiar faces from the past or characters with ties to planets and characters you know and love.  Here are a few questions to ponder ahead of the next FTR release:

The number of wrestlers disappearing from FTR continues to increase.  How will Sonny Rocket react to these disappearances?

FTR will be adding to its women’s ranks.  What team or teams will be recruiting a new female wrestler?

Now that Stallion has kicked Uranus off of his own team, what are his next plans for the Stable?

What does Mayham have up his sleeve to finally try to one up the Artic Empire?

What is next in the wild feud between Pardon and Captain Crossbones?

Who is the next target for the uncontrollable Vacant?

The answers to these questions and more are coming in the next installment of FTR.  To purchase Promoter Prime for COTG, Legends or Indies go HERE.