Samantha Starr is an experienced 11-year ring veteran raised in a proud wrestling tradition as a third-generation wrestler. She has been building her own career accomplishments as she follows the success of her father, professional wrestling legend Sam Houston. Starr began her career wrestling in a variety of southern United States Indies promotions and has honed her throw-back power-move style wrestling all across the United States. Most recently she has found a home in a prominent U.S. National Indies promotion that showcases her abilities on national television. Starr and Ella Envy partnered up to earn their place as the Women’s World Tag Team Champions in August 2024 and have been successfully defending those titles since.
Some wrestlers may be intimidated by her experience and confidence, casting her in the role of a braggadocious heel, but her talent is undeniable and her achievements will continue to grow for Starr and those who ally with her.
Starr and five other women’s wrestlers will be available to make their debut in your Indies promotions in December with the release of the Women of The Indies 2024! This Filsinger Games winter release, along with the COTG Myth Worlds: Bonus Pack, Legends of Wrestling: Expansion XII and a Legends XII Special Edition 2 Pack are all now available for pre-order HERE!. Orders will ship in December!