Deva is proudly announcing a new member to her New Vibe team and it is none other than Catfight!
Really two new members as Deva is also promoting the arrival of Catfight’s intimidating pet tiger, Zira!
Bloody Marry has departed and joins a new team. But why? What is the story of this shocking new team?
The new Catfight card is one of three Promoter Prime cards that will arrive with the mysterious new COTG game expansion that will be released this weekend at GalactiCon and mailing to game fans shortly thereafter!
Pre-order now so you don’t miss any of this incredible new adventure!
All of our new summer expansions for the GWF, Legends and Indies can be ordered here:  Summer 2024 Pre-Orders are Now Available! – Filsinger Games.  The new games, including the next installment of Promoter Prime, will have a special prerelease at GalactiCon 35 in Jamestown, NY on June 28-30 and will begin mailing the week of July 8th to all customers.

If you are attending the GalactiCon event in person and would like to pre-order your sets, enter the coupon code GALACTICON at checkout to avoid shipping fees. Please only use this code if you will be picking up your games in Jamestown during the June 28-30 event.

In person tickets can be purchased (HERE)