The the final installment of Legends cards for 2019 Promoter Prime comes 3 more 90’s wrestlers that Promoters can use to form 2 tag teams.  Marcus Bagwell had 2 prominent tag teams in his early days on 90’s TV.  Bagwell won the World Tag Team championship with 2 Cold Scorpio in a exciting tandem that the fans loved.  Later on Bagwell would don the Stars & Stripes and team with Del Wilkes and the duo would also win the World Tag Team Championship.  Which of these duos will be first to enter your Legends fed?

Marcus Bagwell, 2 Cold Scorpio and Del Wilkes are the last 3 Legends Prime cards of 2019.  All Promoter Prime Q4 cards will be mailed in December at the same time as our other holiday releases, Legends Expansion Pack V and Invasion 2089.  Its not to late to get all the 2019 Promoter prime cards now in our shop.  CLICK HERE to order.