Three big names in indie wrestling are included in the final quarter of 2018.

First up is the former underground fighter Killer Kross.  Billed from Sin City, this vicious wrestler has begun to make a name for himself on both the US Indies and Mexican Lucha Libre promotions. TICK TOCK.

Next is the charismatic high flyer from Texas Sammy Guevara.  Guevara has started to pop up all over the US Indie scene in recent years and is beginning to be seen more on the national stage as well as throughout the world.

Lastly, its the in ring voice of Ring of Honor, ring announcer Bobby Cruise.  Although he started as the personal announcer for Steve Corino, Cruise is now the main man to introduce ROH talent.  This card is a great way to spice up the start of a big feud in your ROH promotion.

Order the 2018 Indies Prime and the entire 2018 COTG Prime set HERE.