Musck Returns to His Roots in ORIGINS 2139!

Musck is through with false identities in 2139! Gone is the Loyalist. Gone is Death Knight. Musck is a loose cannon that is fed up with what is going on in the Battle for Castilex. He is going in his own direction, but what is it? His LOADED GLOVE move remains controversial and now he

By |2023-07-03T20:51:20-04:00July 3rd, 2023|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Musck Returns to His Roots in ORIGINS 2139!

The Nightmare is Over…Summer Preorders are Now Available

The Tragos and Thesz Hall of Fame Set 4 already has some dream names included, but now its time to add a nightmare!  "The Russian Nightmare" Nikita Koloff is the newest name to join this game edition.  Koloff came into fame in one of the most prominent southern territories, when he teamed with his uncle

By |2023-06-30T20:04:26-04:00June 30th, 2023|Champions of the Galaxy, Company News, Legends of Wrestling|Comments Off on The Nightmare is Over…Summer Preorders are Now Available

Gladiators Will be in a Quagmire in ORIGINS 2139!

The Gladiators have huge problems ahead in more ways than one when QUAGMIRE enters the GWF in ORIGINS 2139! The AniMen vs. Gladiators blood feud will be rekindled with the dramatic introduction of this monstrous newcomer. The immovable object QUAGMIRE will bring deadly maneuvers like his DELUGE finisher to the GWF! Tempest is fighting power

By |2023-06-26T13:37:35-04:00June 26th, 2023|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Gladiators Will be in a Quagmire in ORIGINS 2139!

Kenji Faces His Greatest Challenge in ORIGINS 2139!

Samurai warrior Kenji is stepping forward into the limelight in ORIGINS 2139. The soft-spoken Titan will face the greatest challenge of his career against a foe so shocking it will need to be seen to be believed. He brings his reliable ONE INCH PUNCH along with new finisher JUSTICE to the battle. Who is his

By |2023-06-19T19:12:21-04:00June 19th, 2023|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Kenji Faces His Greatest Challenge in ORIGINS 2139!

Burning Man Will Blaze His Way to New Heights in ORIGINS 2139!

Burning Man is on fire! He's got a new direction and a new plan in ORIGINS 2139 and it is guaranteed to shock loyal promoters and that guarantee is written in a wall of fire! Burning Man has discovered a new form of his powers, a new skill. What can it be and what does

By |2023-06-12T13:43:00-04:00June 12th, 2023|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Burning Man Will Blaze His Way to New Heights in ORIGINS 2139!

Another Rookie Debuts in the CWF

SCORCHED EARTH is coming to the CWF!  But why did the veteran of numerous expeditions to the Cold Continent, Primus and Antilia leave behind his former career??  One thing is for sure:  SCORCHED EARTH is no one to be trifled with, unless you’re looking to see your match end with BURNING FURY! This gruff powerhouse

By |2023-04-24T17:30:53-04:00April 24th, 2023|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Another Rookie Debuts in the CWF

Rundar Claims the Talisman of the Ancients

What is the Talisman of the Ancients?  How did RUNDAR come to gain possession of this unique artifact? RUNDAR has been at the center of the Ravager mission on Centra.  How does the Talisman of the Ancients change the balance of power in the CWF? Find out in FUTURE SHOCK 2118, the 4th installment of

By |2023-04-17T22:03:18-04:00April 17th, 2023|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Rundar Claims the Talisman of the Ancients

An Exciting New Hero Debuts in the CWF!

Here comes the newest rookie signed by Lance At-Las.  MATT ATTRACTION might be the most exciting wrestler in the CWF.  He throws his own body around the ring with almost reckless disregard for his own health! While MATT ATTRACTION has always been a fan of wrestling, something happened to him that changed his life forever

By |2023-04-10T20:28:28-04:00April 10th, 2023|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on An Exciting New Hero Debuts in the CWF!

A Mysterious Newcomer Shepherds in a New Era of the CWF

Monsters, brutality and disruption are eating at the Centra Wrestling Federation.  As events in the CWF approach a tipping point, a mysterious VAGABOND WARRIOR appears.  But is he a hero who saves the day or a villain who destroys the CWF once and for all? Find out in FUTURE SHOCK 2118, the 4th installment of

By |2023-04-03T19:37:46-04:00April 3rd, 2023|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on A Mysterious Newcomer Shepherds in a New Era of the CWF

Filsinger Games Spring Releases are now Available!

The preorders for our newest game releases, Legendary Ladies 3, Best of the Indies 2023 and Future Shock 2118, as well as subscriptions to 2023 Promoter Prime, are available in the Filsinger Games shop. Headlining the Legendary Ladies 3 game edition is one of the most popular female wrestlers of all time. Joanie Laurer is

By |2023-03-24T13:51:43-04:00March 24th, 2023|Champions of the Galaxy, Company News, Indie Wrestling, Legends of Wrestling|Comments Off on Filsinger Games Spring Releases are now Available!

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