Sonny Rocket Makes His Big Move!

Desperate to move forward and turn the focus off of Quest and back onto himself and FTR, Commissioner Sonny Rocket announces a new movement he calls “The Future of Wrestling is Here!” campaign. What exactly is The Future of Wrestling is Here campaign? Commissioner Rocket has sent his top scouts to the top independent wrestling

By |2021-11-29T19:16:59-04:00November 29th, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Sonny Rocket Makes His Big Move!

Filsinger Games Holiday Releases Now Available for Preorder!

The 2021 Filsinger Games Holiday Releases are now available for Preorder!  You can order all of the newest game items right now HERE. One of the most anticipated game editions of the season is the 12 card Legends Expansion Set VIII, which is themed around wrestlers known for their time in the Memphis wrestling scene. 

By |2021-11-25T15:08:13-04:00November 25th, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy, Company News, Indie Wrestling, Legends of Wrestling|Comments Off on Filsinger Games Holiday Releases Now Available for Preorder!

The FTR Murder Mystery Reaches A Fever Pitch!

It’s pure madness in FTR! Quest zeroes in on his prime suspect! Who is it? Which wrestlers will be cleared in the disappearance of Blue Chip and who is finally being blamed for the crime? And who in the heck is this horrifying masked newcomer clad in all black? Find out the answers to all

By |2021-11-22T14:16:06-04:00November 22nd, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on The FTR Murder Mystery Reaches A Fever Pitch!

Don’t adjust your eyes, it’s BLUR!

BLUR is a newcomer from Omicron with an unfortunate power. He’s not fast, and he not invisible. He’s just - blurry. And making things worse, the blurrier Blur is the less focused he becomes on offense. But being blurry isn’t all bad, as Blur is finding out. Opponents sometimes have a tough time hitting what

By |2021-11-08T19:08:19-04:00November 8th, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Don’t adjust your eyes, it’s BLUR!

Moonlight Fires Up For A Big Main Event Feud In FTR 3!

Which wrestler has the new attitude Moonlight injured with her controversial new finisher - ABSOLUTE PARDON!? And which wrestler may be next when Moonlight faces off against…You’ll have to read all about it in FTR 3 to find out! The Pardon versus Captain Crossbones feud heats up with an updated Moonlight at ringside. Will her

By |2021-10-29T17:49:04-04:00October 31st, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Moonlight Fires Up For A Big Main Event Feud In FTR 3!

King Tux Builds His Arctic Empire

It’s official! KING TUX and CEPHALOPODIS have a new tag team name - Arctic Empire! And they have a new tag team finisher too - GLACIER SIDE! But that’s not all that’s new with Arctic Empire. That’s right!  King Tux’s prized egg has hatched! Meet Prince Flurry! Prince Flurry remembers how Mayham treated him when

By |2021-10-25T01:19:35-04:00October 25th, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on King Tux Builds His Arctic Empire

The Future of Wrestling is Here Campaign Starts with Witch!

It’s time for a new FTR set! And this one will be the biggest FTR game edition ever! 10 brand new awesome playing cards coming your way this holiday season! We’re keeping the name of this new FTR direction under wraps for now. Can you guess where things are going next in our big murder

By |2021-10-18T18:49:19-04:00October 18th, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on The Future of Wrestling is Here Campaign Starts with Witch!

The Partisans Have Arrived in the CWF

Partide and his tag team partner Votartist are devoted disciples of Oracle and original members of his following.  They are calling themselves the Partisans and will do anything to showing their dedication to him and protect Oracle by challenging anyone who will not join their prophet.  They’ve identified their initial targets.  Will they bring glory

By |2021-09-27T19:47:54-04:00September 27th, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on The Partisans Have Arrived in the CWF

Ravagers? Did Someone Say Ravagers?

You didn’t think that Ventross was coming alone, did you?  He’s brought backup in the form of Dransak.    The real question is who the Ravagers will target.  Rundar has been observing Centra for a year now, and he’s identified a target.  Will it be Murdok, or perhaps Oracle?  Maybe it’s the Future Shock team.  Whoever

By |2021-09-20T19:37:39-04:00September 20th, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Ravagers? Did Someone Say Ravagers?

Homegrown Talent…. From Where?

The CWF has been looking for home-grown talent to fill its ranks.  Commissioner Lance At-Las has been sending scouts out all around Centra looking for fighters with potential, like the Boys from Mecatoid.  He’s found another wrestler- but boy is he cut from a different mold.  Urchin comes from the streets of Centrapolis- literally!  Urchin

By |2021-09-13T17:39:05-04:00September 13th, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Homegrown Talent…. From Where?

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