Star Slayer Continues the Fight in Future Shock 2118

STAR SLAYER has been in the wrestling business for nearly 35 years, across two dimension and three timelines. The wear and tear on his body is catching up to him. Don’t misunderstand. While STAR SLAYER can still get up for a big match, he clearly needs to pace himself if he’s going to extend his

By |2023-03-13T20:12:56-04:00March 13th, 2023|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Star Slayer Continues the Fight in Future Shock 2118

Another of Tarkania’s Elite Joins the CWF

The heir to the legacy of one of Tarkania’s oldest families, PEERAGE brings incredible talent and an aristocratic attitude to the Centra Wrestling Federation.  PEERAGE has been training on Paradise Island for years with his childhood friend, Prince of the Rose.  PEERAGE may be the most confident wrestler on Centra, and that’s saying something in

By |2023-03-06T21:11:21-04:00March 6th, 2023|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Another of Tarkania’s Elite Joins the CWF

A Curious Newcomer Finds His Way to the Centra Wrestling Federation

Who the heck is this guy? What’s he doing near a wrestling ring? And what does he have to do with Mister Centra? Find out in FUTURE SHOCK 2118, the 4th installment of the Future Shock series, coming this spring. Future Shock: Centra Wrestling Federation 2118 is the latest release in our Champions of the

By |2023-02-27T21:21:38-04:00February 27th, 2023|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on A Curious Newcomer Finds His Way to the Centra Wrestling Federation

Oracle Makes His Move

Oracle’s machinations continue to progress. And he’s not taking any chances. He’s told Calamity that he needs more firepower, so the mercenary from CTA-102 is bringing in GORACK. And this isn’t all. Calamity has a tag team partner for GORACK. It just might be the biggest tag team in CWF history. But to what end?

By |2023-02-20T22:06:26-04:00February 20th, 2023|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Oracle Makes His Move

FTR Returns for Q3 of COTG Prime and its Totally Awesome!

The next installment of  COTG Prime is the 2nd of 3 updates this year to FTR, the GWF's developmental territory.  As was the case last quarter the update comes with 3 game cards and a PDF handbook update on the latest happenings and team alignments in the promotion.  Here are a few questions to ponder

By |2022-10-03T21:39:13-04:00October 3rd, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on FTR Returns for Q3 of COTG Prime and its Totally Awesome!

Fall 2022 Preorder is Now Available!

The Filsinger Games Fall 2022 game releases are now available for preorder, including the releases of GWF War Games 2093 Reimagined, Women of the Indies 2022 and a Special Edition Card for Brian Blair.  To preorder any item PLEASE GO HERE! Legends of Wrestling fans can pick up a special edition playing card for current

By |2022-09-20T17:16:45-04:00September 16th, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy, Company News, Indie Wrestling, Legends of Wrestling, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fall 2022 Preorder is Now Available!

Meteor Storm is Here to Enhance the GWF’s Tag Team Division

Look out Ursa Major, ASTRO TURK and BLACK HOLE BART are the GWF's official undercard tag team bums! Meteor Storm is coming to the GWF and offering their services to the highest bidder! Will anybody take them up on their offer? WarGames 2093 in full color is coming this Fall!

By |2022-09-12T13:20:54-04:00September 12th, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Meteor Storm is Here to Enhance the GWF’s Tag Team Division

Vanity Gets Even More Eccentric in 2093!

What's going on with VANITY? All of a sudden he's requiring more attention than ever, wearing expensive outfits, changing the name of his tag team with Mr. Galaxy to Stud City, and introducing a new finisher named LADIES CHOICE! How is Sweet Thing involved with LADIES CHOICE? Will Sweet Thing remain loyal to Vanity in

By |2022-09-05T19:38:15-04:00September 5th, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Vanity Gets Even More Eccentric in 2093!

Adam Blast Reinvents Himself as the US Patriot!

Adam Blast vows to replace Commander Sam as the top American fighter in the GWF! What dramatic events away from the ring cause Adam Blast to undergo extensive military training? The result in a new and improved U.S. PATRIOT! U.S. Patriot has a new look and new names for some of his moves to go

By |2022-08-29T21:14:58-04:00August 29th, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Adam Blast Reinvents Himself as the US Patriot!

War Games 2093 Reimagined is Coming This Fall

The saga of ALPHA FORCE begins! Learn all about the unbelievable true history of the Alpha Stone! It's origins will shock you! Chaos and the Third Force are for a big surprise when Alpha Force unleashes the most powerful new finisher in GWF history - ULTIMATE FORCE! War Games 2093 Reimagined is coming at you

By |2022-08-15T18:16:22-04:00August 15th, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on War Games 2093 Reimagined is Coming This Fall

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