What is coming next in FTR?

Coming up this quarter in COTG Prime is the next update to FTR, the GWF's developmental territory.  FTR will be featured in each of the 3 remaining quarterly releases of COTG Prime 2022.  There will be fan interaction throughout the year that will have an impact on the FTR storylines, including matches at virtual Filsinger

By |2022-05-16T21:02:51-04:00May 16th, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on What is coming next in FTR?

The Most Incredible Newcomer in GWF History

Here comes Chaos! Hailing from Dimension X, this arrogant athlete is the leader of the independent super-team Third Force. Possessing the mysterious Alpha Stone, Chaos is a true force to be reckoned with and has already challenged Star Warrior and Thantos to death feuds! Convinced he can assert his dominance over the GWF, Chaos uses

By |2022-05-09T12:51:31-04:00May 9th, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy, News|Comments Off on The Most Incredible Newcomer in GWF History

Keepers of the Stone

The Keepers of the Stone, Scourge and Rogue, are the incredible new tag team flanking Chaos on his quest for domination of the GWF. The pair are challenging the Greek Gods and Cosmic Forces, in particular, to matches in 2092 and look to secure the top spot in the tag team rankings for Third Force.

By |2022-05-03T21:26:21-04:00May 3rd, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy, News|Comments Off on Keepers of the Stone

The Mask Comes Off

The Fighter becomes the Viper becomes the Master! After 5 tumultuous years, Pit Viper has taken another step towards accepting who he truly is. Unmasking and taking the name DragonMaster, he has also reformed the original Titan Express teaming with Pulsar Prime. DragonMaster is a great example of the triumph of human will and GWF

By |2022-04-25T19:35:14-04:00April 25th, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy, News|Comments Off on The Mask Comes Off

A Legend Becomes a Manager

Omega of Cetus has announced the end of his in-ring career. However, the legendary competitor won't be far from the action - he will now take on the task of managing his heroic son, Star Warrior. How will Omega fair against Thantos and Doomsayer - not to mention the other managers of the GWF? You

By |2022-04-18T12:55:38-04:00April 18th, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy, News|Comments Off on A Legend Becomes a Manager

The Ultimate Underdog

War Games 2092 brought a number of firsts to the Champions of the Galaxy game, including the first ever GWF enhancement wrestler Ursa Major.  Can the wrestler representing the Ursa Major system pull off an upset on one of the GWF's established stars or will he just pad their win-loss record? War Games 2092 Reimagined

By |2022-04-11T22:27:11-04:00April 12th, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on The Ultimate Underdog

Hot Off The Presses!

Kronos: Return to Civilization is almost here! Can Kronos be saved? Will the hero or villain side finally win the war at the Crossroads of the Galaxy and force the other to surrender? What if the valiant efforts to end the war and return Kronos to civilization fail? Will Kronos be burned to the ground

By |2022-03-21T09:57:01-04:00March 21st, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Hot Off The Presses!

GalactiCon 2022 Coming to Chicago July 16-17

This year the Filsinger Games GalactiCon convention heads the farthest west that it ever has, to the Windy City itself CHICAGO!  This was the original location of GalactiCon 31 in 2020 before the convention shifted to fully virtual.  There is a full weekend of events planned and GalactiCon is the weekend before the Pro Wrestling

By |2022-03-17T18:20:42-04:00March 17th, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy, Company News, Indie Wrestling, Legends of Wrestling|Comments Off on GalactiCon 2022 Coming to Chicago July 16-17

Totalis Chases The Crown of Kronos!

Totalis the Tournament Master has done it all. Whether it’s been on Corvus, on Centra or in the GWF, Totalis has been winning and collecting championships everywhere he goes. Now Totalis takes his talents to the Crossroads of the Galaxy  in search of the Crown of Kronos! Can Totalis win the crown and add it

By |2022-03-13T22:07:48-04:00March 14th, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Totalis Chases The Crown of Kronos!

It’s Payback Time!

PAYBACK has been secretly planning a major move for years, and now everything is revealed in Kronos: Return to Civilization! Where has Payback been? Which super team has Payback been plotting against? Which wrestler has been a secret spy on Kronos for Payback? And which two Titans from Dimension K is Payback bringing with him

By |2022-03-07T20:05:03-04:00March 7th, 2022|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on It’s Payback Time!

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