The Royal Court Adds a Vampire?!?

The Royal Overlord has added a new member to the Royal Court: Count Necros. Rumors abound about Necros' background. Is he a member of the vampire race? Or is he feeding off the legends and myths to retain his power? What we do know is this dictator rules his people through fear and with an

By |2021-03-01T16:18:11-04:00March 1st, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy, News|Comments Off on The Royal Court Adds a Vampire?!?

Promoter Prime 2021 is Now Available to Purchase!

For the 8th year in a row since 2014 Filsinger games is making available its popular subscription service Promoter Prime.  Like each of the past 3 years you can purchase bonus cards for the product line of your choice (Legends, Indies or COTG).  Cards are available printed for Tabletop use or digitally for the Online

By |2021-02-26T16:07:37-04:00February 26th, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy, Company News, Indie Wrestling, Legends of Wrestling|Comments Off on Promoter Prime 2021 is Now Available to Purchase!

Guess Who Got A Cleansing

Spike has undergone an Aethran Cleansing! As 2091 dawns, Brute and Massacre have joined forces with none other than Thantos and Krakan. Given an ultimatum by his fellow Gladiators, "join us or be our enemy," Spike decided on the latter and went knocking on Omega's door for a place with the Defenders of the Galaxy.

By |2021-02-22T20:40:59-04:00February 22nd, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy, News|Comments Off on Guess Who Got A Cleansing

The Supreme Gods Add At-Las!

Hailing from the planet Rigel, the quiet but proud Lance At-Las has lived on Mars for over a thousand years. He spent that time communing with nature, honing his mind and body, and venturing to Earth, where his peak physical condition was on full display. A loner by nature, Solaris has convinced At-Las to join

By |2021-02-15T17:14:15-04:00February 15th, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy, News|Comments Off on The Supreme Gods Add At-Las!

Superpower Summit Incoming to the GWF

The Superpower Summit is coming to Wargames! Commander Sam has found the perfect partner for Adam Blast - Vlad Hammer. The young Russian Olympian joins the GWF as a highly decorated athlete prepared to battle with Ghengis Khan and Mtisuko the Mongol. The Young Allies are the perfect combination of youth and agility, but will

By |2021-02-08T20:34:23-04:00February 8th, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Superpower Summit Incoming to the GWF

Justice Will Be Served

Justice will be served! Evil-doers of the GWF beware, there's a new hero joining the incredible supergroup - Defenders of the Galaxy. This sensitive and intelligent youngster is teaming with the Galactic Punisher to form the GalactiCops and take the fight to Brute and Massacre. Can they meet the Aethrans head-on? Will Justice put his

By |2021-02-01T21:19:20-04:00February 1st, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy, News|Comments Off on Justice Will Be Served

Filsinger Games Perennial 2021 Report

Last Saturday January 23rd 2021 was the first annual Filsinger Games Perennial, our 3rd virtual event.  Like at GalactiCon, all attendees will receive a limited edition game card that would not be made available otherwise.  The limited edition card was for midwest enhancement wrestler Nacho Berrera. Game cards will be mailed to all attendees within

By |2021-01-31T17:40:22-04:00January 30th, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy, Company News, Indie Wrestling, Legends of Wrestling|Comments Off on Filsinger Games Perennial 2021 Report

Behind the Scenes about Best Of COTG with Tom!

Have you seen the promotional video for the Best of Champions of the Galaxy starter set that we released a few months ago? You better! It was an awesome video created by filmmaker Sam Worseldine and should be shared far and wide with anyone not yet addicted to COTG! Click here to watch. But there

By |2021-01-18T17:13:52-04:00January 18th, 2021|Champions of the Galaxy, Company News|Comments Off on Behind the Scenes about Best Of COTG with Tom!

Cool Under Pressure

Cool is a vigorous bomb squad expert from the Eridanus army who gets his name from his uncanny ability to stay cool under pressure in the most dangerous of situations. Can Cool diffuse giants like Rack and Ruin on Kronos the same way he diffuses explosives back on Eridanus? And what is Cool’s sudden and

By |2020-12-09T19:56:52-04:00December 11th, 2020|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on Cool Under Pressure

A Toast To Proteus!

The rumors are true! Proteus has been busy training in the year 3000 for a reunion with Actagon on Kronos. The Greek Gods are back! And they are bringing a new tag finisher with them! Proteus drinks to that! Proteus is part of COTG Prime 2020 and also part of the KRONOS Battle Line Bonus

By |2020-12-07T11:13:47-04:00December 7th, 2020|Champions of the Galaxy|Comments Off on A Toast To Proteus!

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